
Our patients' successes are the backbone to why we do what we do.  Reach out to us at 618-351-9364 or complete the form at CONTACT US to make an appointment.

Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • With my pregnancy, every day brought new challenges.  Most providers would say "That's normal" or "That'll happen with pregnancy." I felt isolated, ignored, and in pain. Dr. Bonnie listened to me and assured me that pregnancy does not have to be so painful. I was no longer being ignored. 

    The adjustments provided allow me to literally breathe easier. I feel in charge of my needs and feel empowered to speak up regarding my pregnancy.  I feel more in tune with my body than I ever have. 

    Show More - Elizabeth Olmsted
  • Amanda K picture

    During pregnancy, I found Dr. Bonnie by way of an internet search while looking for chiropractic care specific to pregnancy. My body was coping with the many changes that come with pregnancy and I was looking for relief from back and joint pain and discomfort.

    I didn't know what to expect at first, but the adjustments (and the way I was adjusted) was a game-changer! I had instant relief from back/joint/overall-body discomfort and pain.  I was able to better engage in my daily activities and stay active - improving my health overall!

    One of the best parts was that to achieve the relief, I didn't have to have my life flash before my eyes as it then did with manual adjustments - the activator is simultaneously gentle (compared to manual methods) and effective. I now know that the adjustments were also helping with neurological functioning as well and that chiropractic care has a direct impact on the nervous system. 

    What a blessing to have this level of care avia

    Show More - Amanda Kuhnert
  • Marcy Cascio-Hale picture

    I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Dr. Bonnie.  From the very moment I walked in the door - I was up front and told her I was so nervous because I had heard and seen what other chiropractors do with the wrenching and cracking and spinning of heads around.  I was soooo nervous.  But, after about 5 minutes of explanation from Dr. Bonnie, I felt at home.  She shared with me her philosophy and her activator instrument.  She was kind and so calming.  I really appreciate her patience with me and all of my questions.  She is now my go-to chiropractor and I can't imagine going to anybody else, and she has made me feel so much better in my body!  I feel like a million bucks!

    Show More - Marcy Cascio-Hale (Chiropractic)
  • Lisa's picture

    I have always maintained control of my health with diet, exercise and healthy habits. I've never needed medications and have always gotten over any bugs quickly. When Covid hit, I decided to get a vaccine. Not long after, neurological side effects started happening. I care for a small farm and was having trouble using the left side of my body. My regular doctor just advised me not to get the booster. They offered no answers and no solutions.

    I did what I knew to do with natural remedies, but wasn't getting better. I was limping and in pain- and it was getting gradually worse over a few months. I was scared about what my future would look like. I finally reached out to Dr. Juul for telemedicine and after 2-3 weeks I was significantly better, able to walk, feel my left side, and ride horses. It was the most frightening health crisis I've ever had. Recently, some of the symptoms started coming back. I reached out to Dr. Juul again and started on a new protocol. I'm already feeling better. Not only does she quickly zero in on what my body needs, but the symptoms got so much better!

    Take it from me- don't hesitate to get this caliber of help! I'm so grateful that I have found Dr. Juul!

    Show More - Lisa Benjamin, New Mexico (Telemedicine, QRT)
  • Lateshia pictue

    My first concerns were gut health and energy, which was always low. Now, my bowels are more consistent and my energy level is higher than it has been in years! Great recommendations from Natural Health & Wellness and my consistency with my program not only helped me with these two major things, but picked up other important things along the journey. Just to name a few but not limited to: emotional coping skills, acknowledging my sleep patterns, understanding how my body responds to different things and what to do about all of it. 

    Following the Natural Health & Wellness direction is one of the best decisions I made to help me be successful with my daily life.

    If I am not personally great, I cannot be great for my family or myself. I look forward to more positive changes and habits.

    Show More - Lateshia B (QRT)
  • Larry's picture

    I did not know I had any issues before I went to my first chiropractic appointment in Tennessee where we lived. There I learned I had issues in my right shoulder. Once I got on regular maintenance, I realized the benefits of a chiropractor. When we moved to Illinois about 3 years ago, we found Dr. Juul to continue our maintenance. She has been very good for us. If we have a pain anywhere, she finds it and treats it. Everything is good now and I seldom have any pain. Where I do, she treats it and it goes away.


    -Larry Chapman

    Show More - Larry C. (Chiropractic)
  • Julie's picture

    I have had health issues that would come and go since I was a child. (Particularly digestive) Every flare became a little worse over the years. For a few years I had some success with diet and some natural remedies, but came out of remission in 2020 and ended up back on medication. I was frustrated and knew I didn’t want to be on meds long-term but didn’t know where to go for help at this point. I attended a lecture and decided to go in for a consultation. After my appointment, I was excited to begin a healing journey that was different than other things I had tried. I am still healing but am doing so much better. I haven’t taken medication for a year and a half.

    Quantum Response Testing has worked well for me. Our bodies change rapidly at times and adjusting supplements according to those changes has been a game-changer for me. Before beginning this process I was to the point where the slightest bit of cross- contamination from gluten would make me ill for days. I knew I had turned a corner recently when I was able to eat out and wasn’t sick the next day!! Kayla tested me and by body showed no signs of reaction. Recently my digestive system tested that it was strong and doing well. Never has that happened!

    I look forward to continuing to heal and get rid of years of toxins that were not dealt with before. Don’t get discouraged if it takes time to feel better, the process works if you stick with it and support your body with their healthy diet and exercise. Thank you for all you have done to help me!

    Show More - Julie A (QRT)
  • Robin's picture

    Before I had high blood pressure, low energy, heart burn, and many other health issues. I was a very unhealthy eater and obese. I used to get sick every time someone else got sick with the flu or cold. My daughter was born premature. She had bad eczema. She also has gastrointestinal issues as well as sinus issues. Now I feel fantastic. My energy level is high. My blood pressure has stabilized. I’m losing weight. Health improvement has encouraged me and made it easier for me to eat healthy. I no longer get sick.  Last year there were multiple family members who all got the flu or cold and it did not touch me. Health improvement has definitely changed my life. My daughter’s eczema has improved, her sinuses have improved, and she no longer has gastrointestinal issues. I wish I would have started sooner.  

    Show More - Robin N. (QRT and Chiropractic)
  • Julie B picture

    I was having a lot of neck pain. It was difficult for me to turn my neck when backing up the car.  In addition, I have arthritis in my feet and it was painful walking.  Now, my neck pain is much improved.  Dr. Bonnie identified a trouble spot which she adjusts.  The foot orthotics have helped a great deal. I am able to walk further distance with less pain.  In addition, Dr. Bonnie has given me ways to manage the pain through exercises, foot baths, etc.  I highly recommend the pillow she has available. 

    Show More - Julie B. (Chiropractic)
  • Mary Jane picture

    My back used to have pain occasionally. After starting and continuing chiropractic work on my body, not only is my back 100% better, but so is my neck, shoulders, hands, etc!!


    - Mary Jane Chapman (Chiropractic)
  • Mary C picture

    I have been seeing Dr.Bonnie for over 6 years. It’s hard to remember all the areas we have addressed in QRT. Arthritis, eye issues, gallbladder, grief, yeast infection, joint issues, sore neck, allergies, back pain, stress, migraines, sleep issues, sinuses, and much more. Now the current issues were from a fall in Oct. She has been treating joint, sciatica, and neck injury. All are much better and I’m moving much better I can get up and down the step with no pain. She is able to treat many issues like foggy eyes, gallbladder, and move on the current concerns. I am able to take supplements for short term and long-term health conditions. And ones that come and go. Also does counseling on the way to eat to support healthy healing. 

    Show More - Mary C (QRT and Chiropractic)
  • Tiffany K picture

    I am so thankful that I found Dr. Bonnie Juul. Before seeing her, I was always tired and sick, and I was on a lot of medication. Dr. Juul got to the root of the problem. Now, my immune system is stronger, I am much healthier, and I am proactive about caring for my body. Dr. Juul has also helped my daughter. She had several respiratory illnesses, which were always treated with antibiotics. Unfortunately, in spite of numerous doctor's visits, we weren't getting any answers. Dr. Juul helped us find those answers. My daughter hasn't had any major illnesses or been given antibiotics in several years. I completely trust Dr. Bonnie Juul with my family's long-term wellness, and I'm so happy her office is close. If you are looking to finally get to the bottom of your health issues, and make lasting change, then go see her!

    Show More - Tiffany Kesler (QRT)
  • Satya picture

    My SI joint “went out” so I had muscle spasms and pain in my lower back. I also had multiple issues with bad posture, aching feet, numbness in one arm, and various other aches and pains. Within several weeks of treatment Dr. Bonnie ordered orthotics for me and between regaining balance in my arches, seeing weekly chiropractic adjustments, and Quantum Response Testing results. I noticed huge changes for the better. Dr. Bonnie gave me home exercises that improved weak muscles.  I followed her advice carefully and now 5 months later, I’ve gained relief form my major complaints and am making progress on smaller issues. I’ve gradually developed a lot of trust in Dr. Bonnie’s knowledge and approach. She’s a caring professional with a lot of skill, intuition, and passion for her practice. 

    Show More - Satya S. (Chiropractic and QRT)
  • Picture of Charles C.

    When I first came in, I was in serious pain in my: neck, left shoulder, lumbar area, right rip and leg, and between the shoulder blades at the T8,9,10. I also had the bottom right ribs hurting pretty bad. These were resulting of accident on the 12th of February this year. The pain level in all areas at this time is almost non-existent, which is amazing. Dr. Bonnie has helped by improving my health through adjustments and mechanical massage. I am truly thankful for all Dr. Bonnie and Maggie have done for me and would come back whenever I may be in the area in the future. I recommend that anyone in pain come to see Dr. Bonnie at any time they are in pain.

    -Charles W.M Cheek Jr., Construction Superintendent   
    Columbus, NE 

    Show More - -Charles W.M Cheek Jr., Construction Super
  • "My visit with Dr. Juul was for me surprising. As an MD, I have always been a bit skeptical of DC’s. I was referred to her by a friend who I have always known to have good judgment. I was experiencing issues that seemed to escape the reach of my colleagues and traditional western medicine. Dr. Juul’s intake was oriented toward seeking the root cause of my complaints as opposed to making a list of my symptoms and prescribing a pill for each reported concern. Dr. Juul was well-versed in the typical approaches allopathic medicine would take and addressed these as she presented more naturally based countermeasures. Dr. Juul was approachable, thoughtful and genuinely kind. I thought she was also pretty smart and had a good sense of humor. I have documented this because I was so very impressed with my first encounter with Dr Juul, I will keep you posted about my response to her interventions.  

    Show More - DMT, MD
  • Jerome's picture

    Dr. Bonnie Juul is a true gem in the field of alternative health. Her honest and caring nature makes her a pleasure to work with. She's not just knowledgeable; she's an expert in her field. Dr. Bonnie's ability to guide and support me on my health journey has been life-changing. She helped me address my unhealthy eating habits with compassion and accountability, and I'm so thankful for the positive impact she's had on my life. I highly recommend Bonnie to anyone seeking an alternative health expert who truly cares about their well-being.

    Show More - Jerome Lewis, Real Estate entrepreneur
  • I came to Dr. Bonnie to deal with Interstitial Cystitis symptoms, detox, and hormonal changes due to perimenopause. I had many food sensitivities, digestion problems, sleep issues. I found out that I needed to change diet more specifically, and work on clearing toxins like mold, yeast, environmental issues, etc. I’ve resolved many issues like clearing out underlying toxicity. Through muscle testing I can determine what and how much supplementation to do. Dr. Bonnie is very sensitive and tuned in. She is able to find subtleties other doctors could not find. I have learned to be more connected to what my body needs and to trust it because of the work I’ve done with Dr. Bonnie.

    -Belen Avellan

    Show More - -Belen Avellan (QRT)
  • Ever since I have started seeing Dr. Juul, I have been feeling better, have more energy, and have been losing weight! The anxiety attacks have been going away, along with a majority of the headaches, and I cannot be happier!

    - Nicole M.
  • Her services are sooooooooo helpful!! I've lost weight, my anxiety is better and I feel so much better! I can't think her and her staff enough!! I spread the word to anyone willing to listen!!!

    - Stephanie V.
  • This review is long overdue. Dr Llana Call Smith led us to Dr Bonnie and we are so thankful. Dr Bonnie was able to identify areas of toxicity that no professional had previously discovered and get us on a rapid path of healing. Thanks Dr Bonnie for your devotion to helping your patients find answers and health!

    Show More - Nancy R.
  • Dr. Bonnie is incredibly knowledgeable and approachable when it comes to talking about health and alternative ways to making yourself healthier. She's one of the few people I trust on giving me advice on what I should and should not be taking or eating. Highly recommend anyone talking to her if they are wanting to make a change in their health.

    All reactions:

    Show More - Tom H.
  • It is hard to sum up in a review the gratitude and admiration I have for Dr. Juul. I have been a patient now for at least two years and she has been with me through everything from basic back pain, to helping alleviate headaches and manage plantar fasciitis to even help me recover from Shingles (and not miss a day of work in the process) faster than my doctor had ever seen.

    I have also taken my mother to see Dr. Juul when my mom is in town. And through Dr. Juul, feeling the difference her technique makes and then finding a chiropractic that uses similar techniques back in Montana, my mom is able to be free of her intense sciatic pain for the first time in years.

    Show More - Petrice E.
  • Katie Picture

    I was struggling with low energy, fatigue, dizziness, and eczema. It was so severe I was not able to keep up with my work. I also had chronic UTI’s that the specialist (western Med) were not able to stop. Now, all my symptoms are gone, and I feel better than I ever have. I have tons of energy; my eczema is gone. Best of all my UTI’s are gone and I am able to work longer and harder than when I was in my 20’s. We also had been trying for years to have a baby. Once I was healthy, we were preg

    Show More - Katie Garrett
  • I have been seeing Dr. Bonnie for a few months now. She has helped me calm down some symptoms related to my auto- immune disorder. I can't thank her enough for helping me feel better and doing it NATURALLY! No medicines with scary side effects! If you are looking for a natural and safe way to feel better, go see her. Thank you, Dr. Bonnie!

    Show More - Kelcey C.
  • I started seeing Dr. Bonnie for Nutrition Response Training in March 2017. She quickly pinpointed my problem and got me started on the road to healing from the inside out. I have learned so much about proper nutrition and healing. I highly recommend NHW to anyone searching for answers to your health problems.  5 stars

    Show More - Shelley W.
  • I used to have chronic bronchitis, low grade wheezing and feeling soar throat, ucky-- for months. After following Dr Bonnies personalized recommendations for diet and supplements, I had a whole year of not feeling this way. Now I get a small bug, I remember how it was all the time. I have tools and hope. To focus on things like parenting a 15 year old and balancing this amazing life. Restored health is priceless.

    Show More - Frances G.
  • Doc is so kind and understanding. No questions are dumb questions and she ensures you understand everything that’s going on. I’m not too far into my program but am already feeling so much better. She knows her stuff! I’d recommend 😊

    - Lexy P
  • Dr. Juul is very knowledgable about nutrition and how to help you reach your goals with eating better.  She listens to your wants and needs and composes a nutritional plan specifically tailored to you.  I love how great I feel and my body functions!

    - Denise S.
  • Dear Dr. Juul, I want to thank you for the great care.  I came to you with severe low back and neck pain that had persisted for several years. You began treatment on me and I slowly began to improve.  After several weeks I had marked improvement and after a few months I was pain free

    - Debra G.
  • I have had many long-term issues stemming from when I was a teenager and continue to as life has brought multiple car accidents into my world. Dr. Juul has been able to help me find the root of my issues and is always great at listening to my concerns. I appreciate her holistic approach and wisdom in addition to all of the training she has.

    Show More - Stacy S.
  • I suffered from migraines all of my life. I took a lot of medicine for my headaches. I have been coming here for 3 weeks now. Taking the supplements and changing my eating habits and I haven’t taken any medicine for my headaches for 3 weeks now.

    - Mary Lou C.
  • I had palpitations and bad headaches plus stomach problems. I was not feeling good at all. I felt a closed in feeling. I felt faint most of the time. Now, I am feeling so much improved. I am more like my old self again.

    - H.M.
  • Improvements I have noticed: skin, hair, complexion, anxiety level, self-assurance, improved digestive system, increased energy, overall health, better eating habits, and better health awareness.

    - Nicole M.
  • Before coming here I had irritable bowel syndrome. I would have attacks at least once a week where it was unbearable to even move. Most days of the week, I would have gas, bloating, cramping regardless of what I ate or drank. For the past 2 weeks, I have been symptom free! The pain didn’t go away immediately and I had setbacks. But with a healthy diet and the special supplements, I‘m on the road to optimal health.

    Show More - C.F. (QRT)
  • I was hospitalized 2-3 times a year with severe abdominal pain and bloating. I was taking anti-depressants for 3-4 years. In the few years prior to starting I gained 25 pounds and had hot flashes thanks to menopause. Regularly I experienced back and hip pain. Once to twice a year prior to starting I developed Bronchitis.  Now, I have not been hospitalized for 3 years. No further episodes of Bronchitis and have stopped my allergy medication. After seeing Dr. Bonnie for a year, I was able to

    Show More - Jennifer Aspen (QRT)
  • I’ve been looking for someone like Dr. Juul for some time. Even though I’ve tried to live a healthy lifestyle. I could tell my body was out of balance. Stress, lack of sleep, and stomach issues were some of the things I was dealing with.   Now, I’m sleeping now like I haven’t in quite a few years. My stomach and bowel issues are completely gone. While I’m still dealing with depression, it is Dr. Juul’s plan to begin working on that now. I’m looking forward to seeing improvemen

    Show More - Sharon Gowens (QRT)

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