Functional Tests

While we offer functional nutritional analysis of standard bloodwork, we have some preferred tests that offer excellent analysis along with valuable information and recommendations/solutions. Functional testing is of benefit when you have stabilized from your Quantum Response Testing program and would like to fine tune your health even more or if you prefer functional testing.

Our preferred tests provide the uncovering of the problem along with personalized solutions. 

If you are like many people on the health journey, you are concerned about the numerous supplements you need to take to correct your personal health challenges.  In order to help with the solution for this, we have two personalized options available to you today:  The microbiome test with your personal supplement blend, and the Personalized Nutrient Profile with the option of your personal supplement blend.


If you have had bowel issues (IBS, SIBO, chronic loose stools, chronic constipation or difficulty with bowel movements or regularity, or have less than one bowel movement a day), then this is the place to start. Taking all the nutrients in the world will do nothing for you if you are not able to absorb nutrients.  Bowel problems are an indication that you are not getting all the nutrients you need.

Our microbiome test is available for you to test from home., which is perfect for our tele-medicine patients or anyone who prefers to do a stool test in privacy.

 This test finds problem bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites, and viruses. And with genome sequencing, they find the exact strain along with the number of them.  This allows for us to create personalized supplementation of probiotics and prebiotics that will support your individual gut health, with a supplement made just for you. 

It will find prebiotic and probiotic deficiencies as well - and then provide the solution for you.

There are two options available: 

*One test plus three months of your own supplement mix to remedy your microbiome.  

*Two Tests plus six months of your own supplement. (Test 1 plus personalized 3 month supplement supply followed by Test 2 in two months and the remaining 3 months of supplements. ) 

-- Recommended is to start with the six month testing and supplements to allow for correction, followed by tests every one to two years to ensure maintenance of the correction. 

-- Ordering directly from the company is available, however the supplements are less comprehensive than when ordering through a provider.

To look at the sample test, complete the form below and you will get immediate access. 


Your test will show your nutrient profile of what is lacking in your system as well as what is needed.  Because nutrients fuel your organs, and when your organs operate well-your entire body operates well, this is a recommended test for anyone wanting to maintain excellent health and avoid medications.

The testing is done at your home.  After they receive and analyze your test, Dr. Bonnie will be able to have a personalized nutritional supplement created just for you so that you can start "filling in the blanks" of the nutrients needed by your body.  

To look at the sample test, complete the form below and you will get immediate access. 

DNA TEST This test offers recommended foods, blood test monitoring, and nutritional supplementation for your specific DNA. Many choose to start here so they can start making baseline changes in their diets, and then go on to one or two of the other tests above.  To look at the sample test, complete the form below and you will get immediate access. 

For immediate access to the sample tests, complete the form below. 

What test(s) are you interested in?

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