Emotional & Mental Balancing & Repatterning

EMBeR is a simple method of neurologically changing your mental and emotional habit patterns from ones that are keeping you
from health to ones that drive you towards health.   

Often negative or ineffective thinking is a pattern that has not only become habitual but has also become hard-wired into our neurological system.  

For the Mental Balancing and Repatterning, we use the TapOut-TapIn Method.   In our office, we use muscle testing to identify ineffective patterns that are locked in your subconcious.

We then tap them out. 

This creates space or a vacuum.  Once a vacuum is created, it must be filled.  If you don't choose what to fill it with, often the old pattern will return to fill the vacuum.

So, when a negative mental pattern is released, we use QRTesting to determine the best statement to replace the negative thought pattern and fill the vacuum.

Once a more empowering and effective statement is found, we imprint that into your neurological system and you use TapIn to continue training your neurological system to work in your favor.  We start in the office and you take it with you.

By disconnecting neuronal patterns that don't serve you, and by creating and connecting new neuronal patterns - you can literally "change your mind" and start choosing what you want - including better health. 

We also use Emotional Imprint Release to allow for the blocked emotions to be released from your body.  This again creates a vacuum.  Fill the vacuum with what you want, and you now have a say in the direction you are headed.  Dr. Juul has identified different and specific emotional patterns that are related to the different levels of health as described in her book Vim & Vigor.   

The emotions of greater health are neurologically imprinted using tapping on the fingers or, even better, using the Triple Warmer point from acupuncture. 

Some of the mental blocks and emotional blocks may be related to each other and support the existence of each other.  By unlocking, intercepting and disconnecting the Neuronal Patterns that are causing mental and emotional blocks, you have access to freedom and power in your health. 

For most people, three to five sessions are sufficient for you to understand and successfully implement this simple, effective tool in your own life. 

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Carbondale, IL


10:00 am - 12:30 pm

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm


10:00 am - 12:30 pm

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm


By Appointment Only


10:00 am - 12:30 pm


10:00 am - 12:30 pm



