Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation: How Nutrition Response Testing Can Help

We all know the feeling when an injured part of our body becomes inflamed. It's that swelling and discomfort that accompanies injuries like splinters. While this inflammatory response is the body's natural way of healing, living with chronic inflammation is an entirely different story. At Natural Health and Wellness in Ballwin and Carbondale, our team is here to offer nutrition response testing, providing you with a personalized chronic inflammation treatment plan.


What is chronic inflammation, and why is it harmful?

Chronic inflammation occurs when you regularly consume foods that trigger an ongoing immune response in your body. This means that your immune system remains in a constant state of alertness. Over time, chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on your healthy cells, potentially leading to severe conditions like cancer and diabetes.

Unfortunately, the slow progression of symptoms can make it challenging to recognize chronic inflammation until it becomes a significant issue. You might notice persistent fatigue, a sense of weariness, and unexplained puffiness without understanding the root cause. The good news is that once you identify the underlying causes of chronic inflammation, it becomes highly treatable.


Chronic inflammation treatment begins with our nutrition response testing program, which helps us understand your specific food sensitivities and allergies. Armed with this knowledge, we can collaborate on a personalized healing plan for your body. Part of this plan involves eliminating foods that don't align with your body's needs from your diet. Additionally, we'll recommend natural anti-inflammatory measures to support your body's healing process.

While making dietary changes may require some initial willpower, you'll be surprised by how quickly you begin to feel the positive effects—and how this motivates you to continue on the path to better health. Throughout your journey, our team will provide unwavering support, guiding you towards improved health and wellness through targeted nutrition.

Natural Health and Wellness: Your Partner in Chronic Inflammation Treatment

If you're grappling with chronic inflammation, you're already familiar with its toll on your well-being. At Natural Health and Wellness, we're here to help you reclaim your health. With two convenient locations in Ballwin and Carbondale, our team stands beside you as we uncover food sensitivities and allergies that might be holding you back from feeling your best. Don't hesitate to reach out to us today to learn how we can assist you in achieving optimal well-being.

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