Payment Options

Natural Health & Wellness believes everyone should be able to be healthy, so we have different ways to support you in getting the information you need. 

Dr. Bonnie has written books so that you can get all the information you need to learn how to eat the best, learn Quantum Response Testing, and learn how to use visualization to draw health back into your life.

The Quantum Health Connections membership program allows you to connect with a select group of individuals who are working at improving their health to the degree that they rarely need the medical system.

Methods of Payment

We accept cash and checks. We accept all major credit cards.  Many Health Sharing plans will cover our services. Please check with them.  We alos offer Care Credit for those who need more care in the beginning of health recovery.


In order to focus on true health, we have chosen to no longer take insurance.  Insurance companies limit care to put a band-aid on problems.  There are many chiropractors in your area that take insurance and can support you if that is your goal. 

Alternative health programs commonly help people reduce and eliminate the need for medications.  Our focus is on function and longevity, which are not covered by insurance.  

Health Share accounts, usually through a Christian organization, can be used for Quantum Response Testing and chiropractic.

Family Plans

Our focus at Natural Health & Wellness is to actively help you and your family in taking responsibility for your health, wellness, and longevity. We assist and guide you to take the time to care for the important people in your world: you and your family. In an effort to make living the wellness lifestyle as easy and affordable as possible, our practitioners have created membership programs so that you can get the care you need.  

Health on a Budget

At Natural Health & Wellness, we're convinced that a small amount of your time and money to care for your most important asset--your health--will be far less time-consuming and expensive than trying to recover it. If you feel you do not have enough time or money to take care of yourself, please contact us--our practitiners can help! The last thing we want is for you to come to our wellness center in crisis. So please, we would like to encourage you to take your health very seriously. As the old saying goes, if you don't have your health, you don't have anything. Unfortunately, too many people don't discover how true that statement is until it is too late.

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Office Hours

Carbondale, IL


10:00 am - 12:30 pm

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm


10:00 am - 12:30 pm

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm


By Appointment Only


10:00 am - 12:30 pm


10:00 am - 12:30 pm



